Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grindhouse Presents: Death Proof

Quentin Tarantino. Two words, that's all I have to say. Even before watching this movie, I thought to myself "If this movie's like anything else he's done in the past, I'm gonna be blown away." He didn't disappoint. Tarantino is known for making up his own rules of cinematography. Even for a film that was essentially a remake, or rather, re-imagining, of a typical '70s disgust-slasher film, Grindhouse Presents: Death Proof was filled to the brim with originality. Never before was I entranced in a dialogue-based plot. Of course, some say that not much happens in this movie, that dialogue makes up far too much for lack of action. Needless to say, I beg to differ. The dialogue isn't just dialogue -- it's realistic, and witty to boot. I find myself forever being amazed at certain lines, no matter how many times I play this movie over and over. Plus, I'd add that the action in the movie, though minimal, is made all the better by the bounty of dialogue which serves as an appetizer before the main entree. All the actors in this film, including the cameo-hungry Tarantino himself, deliver their lines smoothly -- they're definitely every screenwriter's dream. If you haven't seen this movie yet, I recommend you do so immediately (and then follow it with Grindhouse Presents: Planet Terror) and not be fazed by any review (except for my own, of course). As always, I like to wait till a movie is over before I pass judgment on it-- please do the same. A lot is offered by this film, and there's something for everyone to enjoy. You might find that if you don't like the dialogue, the actors, or the action, you might very well just love the music. I know I do!
Here's lookin' at you, kid.

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