Wednesday, September 30, 2009

True Romance

Directed by Tony Scott, and written by Quentin Tarantino, True Romance is really kinda romantic! It's actually more cutesies than romantic, but same diff ;) Watching this movie for the first time may come as a surprise to many of you; lots of today's well-known actors were in this movie, though none of them had the starring role. Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer, Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken, and Samuel L. Jackson are just a few of them! Granted, this movie is an enigma, because it's about crime in the dirtiest sense as well as love in the dirtiest sense. Christian Slater's character elopes with a hooker, played by Patricia Arquette. It seems frivolous, I know, but when you watch it, I guarantee your heart will be warm and fuzzy inside. The script is magnificent -- of course it is, Tarantino! -- and actually has meaning. On top of that, the soundtrack is done by one of my all-time favorite film composers, Hans Zimmer -- though I do admit it doesn't sound like much of his other work. Even so, if it's at all possible to feel sad and happy at the same time, the Zimmer man will do that for you in this movie. It's a typical feel-good movie, but somehow by the end of it, you feel more than good -- you feel grrrreat ;)

Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride,

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