Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Girl

My Girl, directed by Howard Zieff, is another great movie that reminds me of my childhood. I'd like to say that the acting and the overall plot are what make me love it, but that'd be lying. The truth is, I'm just a sucker for oldies. I kind of wish I lived in the '60s or '80s (not the '70s, no way, although the movie I think is set in 1972), and I LOVE the music of old movies, because it's actually what reminds me of the oldness in the first place. This fantastic film is famous for the song "My Girl" by The Temptations, as well as for one of the last good, innocent movies Macaulay Culkin was in. Speaking of, the ending is a definite tearjerker, and while I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it (I HATE when that happens to me), I do want to warn people that this feel-good movie does have its feel-bad moments. All in all, though, Dan Aykroyd, the cuteness of the kids, and the magic of the music take you back a few generations and show you what life was like back then. Wasn't it great? :)
May the force be with you.

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to live in the 60's too! Maybe the 70's as well since I'm pretty nasty at disco =D. But yeah, this movie is awesome, and it made me cry (dont tel anyone!). Its sad how we all lose the innocence thats manifested in this movie...sad story really. But keep up the blog! One day you'll have 1000000000 foloowers, not just me =]
