Monday, September 21, 2009


Snatch, directed by Guy Ritchie, is another favorite of mine, and simply because of its music and editing. Some say the clip sequences and editing technique are confusing, but I say give me more! Nothing makes a movie more interesting, more memorable, than well-put-together scenes accompanied by well-chosen music. If a movie gets me to say "Yikes that was pretty cool," then it's alright in my book. I'm also the kind of person where if there's one short good scene in a movie, or one short good song, and the rest of the movie is shoddy, I'd say that the whole movie was good. I'm easily swayed, what can I say? Anyway, check out this movie, it's got great acting by Jason Statham, Benicio del Toro, and, wouldn't ya know it, Brad Pitt. Favorite scene? I'd have to say when Mickey (Brad Pitt) is fighting against his buds to help his mother who is burning in a caravan. The music, "Angel" by Massive Attack, is literally to kill for.

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