Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stealing Beauty

Stealing Beauty, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, is one of those movies that you start watching without having any idea what it's going to be about. I remember randomly finding it on television on a rainy day, and after recognizing Liv Tyler, I thought there must be something worthy about this movie. Turns out I was right! It was a journey, though, because there's no clear path. Predictable movie it is not -- all throughout, you're wondering just who it is Lucy (Liv Tyler's character) is going to lose her virginity to. Besides that little mystery, the acting, originality of the script (written by the director, an Academy-Award winner!), and, of course, the gorgeous setting of Tuscany make this a beautiful movie to watch. It's rare finding a movie with an element of surprise and originality, but this one hits the nail on the head. By the end of it, you're likely to leave with something gained or learned ;)

"This is the universe. Big, isn't it?"

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