Sunday, October 18, 2009


Penelope, a film directed by Mark Palansky, has what I like to call the ultimate "cutesie factor" -- in my opinion, perhaps even more so than the infamously "cutesie" movie Juno. Aside from the content of the storyline and the dialogue of the screenplay, this "cutesie factor" stems from the movie's cinematography. There is an obvious color scheme throughout the film, which can also be seen in the image above. Dark but warm is the theme set for this movie about a girl cursed to live with a pig's snout for a nose until she finds a Blue Blood as her one true love to break it. Sounds cheesy and somewhat like something that's been done before, but don't be judgmental just yet. There is a feel of originality nonetheless, especially the way James McAvoy and Christina Ricci play their roles. I love to watch this movie around the holidays, but I'm sure it's cute enough for all year round. And with classic "Hoppipolla" by Sigur Ros, among other songs, it's got a "cutesie" soundtrack to match.

You complete me,

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